Reverend Nashan, President

Reverend Nunn has been a leader in the pagan community for many years.  He has dedicated his life to further the education and spiritual growth of all who choose to walk the path of mysteries.  By serving as leadership for events in the pagan community such as, Pagan Pride Day and ConVocation, he has worked to ensure that all who choose to seek a strong pagan community find one.  Reverend Nunn began his journey as a student of Wicca and has found the principles of Wicca to be the central pillar of his philosophy.  It is his goal to help as many as possible find their path to enlightenment and joy in life.

Dani Plucinski, Vice President

Dani has been practicing in the Metro-Detroit Pagan community for 15+ years. She was a founding member of a Pagan campus group at Eastern Michigan University, is currently co-leader of her daughter’s SpiralScouts circle with her husband, and continues to learn from various spiritual traditions. Dani looks forward to serving the community as best she can..

Cynthia Day, Secretary

Cynthia has been a lifelong learner of the spiritual and natural world. Along the way, following the guidance of her many teachers, she found new abilities and capabilities within. Now she hopes to inspire others in their journey of self. In the effort of self-healing, she has been in the study of personal growth since her twenties and intensely for the past 10 years, and now sometimes shares aspects of her learning to the community. Cynthia is pursuing her calling as a priestess of Wicca and also learning “Quantum Craft”. In her spare time, she devotes herself to her husband and chosen family, and to the community at large; helping others know, heal, and to cherish themselves.
In her words: The first lie is separation: “Everyone is community; we all grow together.”

Nancy Gladstone, Treasurer

Nancy has been actively finding her own journey into Paganism since 2015 when she became actively involved with the Pagan community in the Detroit Metro area. She has studied Wicca and Quantum Craft. She is an accountant, realtor, mother and sits on the Pagan Pride Board. She hopes to use her knowledge and skills to make the world a better place

Hina, Board Member

Hina was raised in a Hindu household and began exploring various cultures and religious philosophies early on in life. Her avidity for knowledge drives her to this day in constantly seeking out curiosities. She is a creator, crafter, and student for life.  Having found a spiritual home where she can grow, learn, and connect, she is honored & excited to serve the community and help it grow.

Jonathon Bowen/Johnny Khaos, Board Member

I have been a member of the pagan community since the 1992. Started the study of Paganism in the year of 1987 with Buckland’s big blue book (Buckland’s complete book of witchcraft.) and began my studies as a solitaire practitioner. Form those humble beginnings I turned my college studies to comparative regions, philosophy, and Art. Form there I branched out my studies to include Hermitic magic, Gnosticism, Ceremonial Magic, the Golden Dawn, and Crowley’s works. In the year of 1998 I moved to Cleveland, and join a circle in the reclaiming tradition of Wicca. There I studied to become a priest. In that time, I began a study of the Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman faiths. I returned to the metro Detroit area in 2002, where I began to learn parts of the Qabalah, and gematria. This is the point where I began Devouring all the different paths, and magic disciplines I could find which lead me to Chaos Magic, and energy work. In 2015 I was able to train with Kenn Day in post Trible Shamanism, and began to put all this accumulated knowledge together. These years of study and training have helped shape who I am, and as we spin into the future. I wished to share my knowledge and experiences to community. When Pagan Pathways Temple opened, I joined day one. Because here was a place where I could, grow, evolve, and help those in our community. I am on my third year of training to become a member of the temples clergy program. For It is my belief that the community as a whole, will create a better future for all of us. Together we can grow strong! I am honored to serve the pagan community, Pagan Pathways Temple, all people that are apart of what was created, and all those who come in the future.

Dana Gorski, Board Member

Dana is the mother of 2, has been a nurse for over 20 years, and is an Eclectic Wiccan Witch. Dana has been practicing witchcraft since she was, as she says, “kicked onto my path” in January of 2014. Her path led to the door of Pagan Pathways Temple in October 2015 where she found family and the feeling of home. Dana has attended many classes and events at PPT and hopes to help PPT expand in all areas while still providing a spiritual home for any that need one.

HB Pattskyn, Board Member

Helen Barbara Pattskyn came to neo-Paganism in 1989 and has been an active member of the SE Michigan Pagan community ever since. In addition to being a Shamanic practitioner, rune-worker, and a witch, she is also an artist, an author, a wife and a mom.

Octavia Hawthorn, Board Member

Born in Michigan, Octavia began her journey into paganism at a young age, falling in love with the Hellenic Pantheon from the books on Greek mythology that her mother gave to her. As she transitioned to adulthood and the domestic demands that came with it, she developed an informal style of “kitchen magick” that became the foundation of her practice. Octavia eventually moved to the West Coast, living in San Diego for a number of years. It was there that she experienced a spiritual re-awakening, and when she returned to Michigan in November of 2017 she was thrilled to find a brick-and-mortar spiritual home in Pagan Pathways Temple. As a student of the clergy path at PPT, Octavia emphasizes eclecticism in her practice, working with multiple pantheons and utilizing a variety of different styles of magick to facilitate spiritual growth.